The holidays are a time of cherished traditions, binding generations together in a tapestry of shared experiences that wrap us in the warmth of joyous celebrations. From cookie decorating contests to candle-lit dinner parties with your closest friends, each tradition knits loved ones closer to each other. Capturing the spirit of these traditions so they do not fade with time can be a challenge. Permanent.org makes it easy when you give a gift of Permanent storage.

Holiday traditions bring people together to create special occasions.
In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, traditions are the anchors that ground us, offering familiarity and comfort. During this time of year, loved ones gather together and create new memories, while also honoring the ones that came before. The anticipation and preparation for these recurring occasions heighten the joy, creating lasting memories. When passed down through generations, these rituals offer a sense of continuity and connection that are improved with reflection on past celebrations and thoughtful preparation.
Permanent archives exist as a trusted place to record and store your traditions. With a Permanent archive, all the necessary elements for these special occasions are preserved for generations to come. Whether that means storing Grandma’s recipes or pictures of how you decorate the mantel each year, your archives can help you prepare to celebrate.
Capturing a special occasion ensures those traditions continue.
A Permanent archive provides a secure space where your family can collaborate to preserve documents, photos, videos, and more. It transcends social media’s transient nature, offering your family safety, inclusivity, and flexibility across various file types and devices.
The essence of your special occasion remains intact in a Permanent archive, helping everyone share the warmth of your cherished traditions.
With conflicting schedules and travel snafus, not everyone can be physically present for every holiday. Your archives give the people you celebrate with the opportunity to organize and share memories from special occasions of the past and present. Then, everyone can participate in the sharing of important moments without the chaos of social media.
When you preserve your traditions on Permanent, you can be sure that the generations that come after you will never forget the guests that graced your table, the recipes you cooked, or the memories you made. Creating an archive that preserves your traditions is a powerful way to leave a legacy.
Make it easy for everyone to capture the special occasions together.
It is easier than ever to help your loved ones capture their traditions on Permanent by gifting storage from your account. Gifting storage eliminates cost barriers and extends a warm invitation for all to contribute. Permanent storage gifts are easy to claim and can be sent to anyone with an email address, even if they don’t have an account. With features enabling easy sharing to Permanent, everyone can become a part of the archival process.
As you celebrate with loved ones, take time to use the tools you have on hand to capture the moments as they happen. You don’t need fancy cameras to do this, simply snap a picture on your phone and upload it to your Permanent archive on our app using our “Share to Permanent” feature.
If you invite others to join the platform with a gift of storage, you can also add them as contributors to your archive so they can upload and share their own memories created while celebrating special occasions with you. Preserving traditions alone can be overwhelming, but when you invite your loved ones to contribute, the collective effort ensures the preservation of these invaluable traditions.
To give a gigabyte (or more!) of storage, simply log into your account and head over to the storage panel. For step-by-step instructions, check out our guide or watch the video we have above. If you require more assistance, please contact support@permanent.org and we’ll be happy to help you.
Preserving traditions through a Permanent archive fosters a sense of togetherness and continuity, allowing the essence of these special occasions to transcend time and distance. The gift of Permanent storage is a testament to the enduring love and connections within families, ensuring that cherished traditions live on for generations to come.
Want something physical to give?
We’ve got you covered. This year, we’ve designed festive gift cards that you can print out and present to your friends and family.
Choose one of four gift voucher designs.
PDF opens in a new window to print or save.